

We know that mesos agent is responsible for launching tasks, is it possible to do some checks before launching tasks without re-compiling mesos code ?

Yes! Developing shared libraries out of Mesos modules.

Mesos modules provide a way to easily extend inner workings of Mesos by creating and using shared libraries that are loaded on demand.

Mesos Modules

Here is the detail introduction regarding mesos module, it supports a vast variety of modules, this article aims to introduce Hook.

Developing Hook


User is able to write hooks for fulfilling the following functionalities:

  • docker mount path checking eg: for an illegal mount path hook will reject the task running
  • docker privileged checking eg: hook will check the flag and perform corresponding actions based on certain circumstances
  • etc.

Scaffold Codes

Below are the example hook codes, user can write their own logic in slavePreLaunchDockerTaskExecutorDecorator method:

#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mesos/hook.hpp>
#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
#include <mesos/module.hpp>

#include <mesos/module/hook.hpp>

#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/id.hpp>
#include <process/process.hpp>
#include <process/protobuf.hpp>

#include <stout/foreach.hpp>
#include <stout/os.hpp>
#include <stout/try.hpp>

#include "messages/messages.hpp"

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace mesos;
using std::map;
using std::string;

using process::Failure;
using process::Future;

class MesosHook : public Hook {

     * @param taskInfo
     * @param executorInfo
     * @param containerName
     * @param containerWorkDirectory
     * @param mappedSandboxDirectory
     * @param env
     * @return
    virtual Future<Option<DockerTaskExecutorPrepareInfo>>
            const Option<TaskInfo> &taskInfo,
            const ExecutorInfo &executorInfo,
            const string &containerName,
            const string &containerWorkDirectory,
            const string &mappedSandboxDirectory,
            const Option<map<string, string>> &env) {
        LOG(INFO) << "containerName: " + containerName;

        const Resource& resource = executorInfo.resources(0);
        LOG(INFO) << "resource role: " +resource.allocation_info().role();

        if (!taskInfo->has_container()) {
            return None();

        if (taskInfo->container().type() == ContainerInfo::DOCKER) {
            LOG(INFO) << "Got a Docker Container";
        } else if (taskInfo->container().type() == ContainerInfo::MESOS) {
            LOG(INFO) << "Got a Mesos Container";
            // For now we ingore mesos container
            return None();
        } else {
            LOG(WARNING) << "Got a Unknown Type Container";
            return None();

        if (!taskInfo->container().has_docker()) {
            return Failure("Check Docker Container failed");

static Hook *createHook(const Parameters &parameters) {
    return new MesosHook();

mesos::modules::Module<Hook> xxx_Mesoshook(

Compile Mesos Hook

Previously we installed the mesos environment successfully, Now let’s head to compile mesos hook by taking advantage of existing mesos environment.

Replace variable MESOS_SOURCE_PATH and MESOS_INSTALL_PATH accordingly then execute the following shell script:


set -e


function compile_gcc () {
    if [[ -d build-gcc ]]; then
        rm -f  build-gcc/*.so
        mkdir build-gcc

    cd build-gcc

    c++ -std=c++11 \
        -I $MESOS_INSTALL_PATH/lib/mesos/3rdparty/include \
        -I $MESOS_INSTALL_PATH/include/ \
        -I $MESOS_BUILD_PATH/src \
        -I $MESOS_SOURCE_PATH/src \
        -lmesos \
        -fpic \
        -o mesos_hook.o \
        -c ../mesos_hook.cpp

    gcc -shared -o mesos_hook.o -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system


The shared lib will be placed in build-gcc dir.

Deploy Mesos Hook

prepare hook configuration file

Add following configurations to /etc/mesos/agent-modules.json:

       "file": "/root/mesos-hook/build-gcc/",
       "modules": [
           "name": "xxx_Mesoshook"

The name must exactly same with mesos::modules::Module<Hook> xxx_Mesoshook in cpp file.

If you hope to pass parameters to your hook, add parameters defination as below:

       "file": "/root/mesos-hook/build-gcc/",
       "modules": [
           "name": "xxx_Mesoshook",
           "parameters" :
                  "key": "xx",
                  "value" : "xxx"

This the final file looks like:

# cat /etc/mesos/agent-modules.json
      "file": "/usr/local/dcos-mesos-modules/lib/mesos/",
            "name": "com_mesosphere_mesos_OverlayAgentManager",
            "parameters" :
                  "key": "agent_config",
                  "value" : "/etc/mesos/overlay/agent-config.json"
       "file": "/root/mesos-hook/build-gcc/",
       "modules": [
           "name": "xxx_Mesoshook",
            "parameters" :
                  "key": "xx",
                  "value" : "xxx"

starting mesos agent:

Add --hooks=xxx_Mesoshook to mesos agent startup options and start the agent:



export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mesos/sbin/

mesos-agent \
    --containerizers=mesos,docker \
    --hostname=$NODE_2_IP \
    --image_providers=docker \
    --ip= \
    --isolation=docker/runtime,network/cni,filesystem/linux,volume/sandbox_path \
    --network_cni_config_dir=/etc/mesos/cni \
    --network_cni_plugins_dir=/etc/mesos/active/cni \
    --launcher_dir=/usr/local/mesos/libexec/mesos \
    --log_dir=/var/log/mesos \
    --master=zk://$NODE_1_IP:2181/mesos \
    --port=5051 \
    --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos/agent \
    --no-systemd_enable_support \
    --modules=file:///etc/mesos/agent-modules.json \

What happend behind the scenes ?

mesos agent loads modules and initialize on startup

  1. Load modules Try<Nothing> result = ModuleManager::load(flags.modules.get()); in src/slave/main.cpp
    1. Try<Nothing> ModuleManager::loadManifest(const Modules& modules) in src/module/manager.cpp
    2. moduleBases[moduleName] = moduleBase;
  2. Initialize hooks Try<Nothing> result = HookManager::initialize(flags.hooks.get()); in src/slave/main.cpp
    1. Try<Hook*> module = ModuleManager::create<Hook>(hook); in src/hook/manager.cpp
      1. Module<T>* module = (Module<T>*) moduleBases[moduleName]; in src/module/manager.hpp
      2. T* instance = module->create(params.isSome() ? params.get() : moduleParameters[moduleName]); invoke createHook function
    2. availableHooks[hook] = module.get(); in src/hook/manager.cpp

call mesos hook logic on task startup

  • Future<Containerizer::LaunchResult> DockerContainerizerProcess::launch() in src/slave/containerizer/docker.cpp
    • f = HookManager::slavePreLaunchDockerTaskExecutorDecorator()
      • hook->slavePreLaunchDockerTaskExecutorDecorator() in src/hook/manager.cpp call user logic

The end.